Modern office furniture can be tremendously expensive, especially when purchasing items for multiple staff members. These high prices often mean making hard decisions, with most people choosing the cheapest items possible instead of thinking about quality and durability. However, things do not have to be this way. Today, several high-quality, affordable office furniture items make it possible to create a functional office space without blowing the bank.
Shop With Versatility in Mind
Multi-functional furniture is one of the easiest ways to save costs when shopping for your workspace. By having an item that you can use in several ways, you can avoid purchasing multiple pieces of furniture for each specific need. For example, a desk with built-in drawers reduces the need for a separate storage wall or filing cabinet.
You can also purchase a multi-user workstation instead of a single desk for each staff member. Workstations have built-in storage, power, and other features that create an all-in-one solution. By using a workstation in your office instead of a single desk, you can bring down the overall costs of your furniture bill, allowing you to stay within your budget.
Small Does Not Mean Bad
A common mistake people make when furnishing an office space is thinking that small furniture pieces are bad, but this could not be further from the case. Instead, how you support smaller furniture pieces will determine how functional the item will be. For instance, an affordable office furniture item like a small table will likely become cluttered if it does not have storage drawers or compartments. This excess clutter will lead to less space for writing and taking notes or using a computer, leading to a horrible work experience.
On the other hand, if you support a small desk with storage drawers, keyboard trays, and other items to reduce clutter, you can create a functional experience that anyone can enjoy. So, if you are on a tight budget and have no more room to cut down items, consider trimming down the furniture sizes on your list. These smaller items tend to be more affordable and should give you more breathing room when shopping.
Start With the Basics Before Expanding
Starting small is one of the easiest ways to keep things within budget. Even if you plan on expanding or hiring soon, only provide furniture for your current headcount. By starting with the basics, you can ensure you provide the best possible furniture for your staff instead of purchasing a large quantity of low-quality items.
If you are confident that you are going to expand operations in the future, you should prioritize modular furniture when shopping. Modular items have unique features that make attaching similar pieces together easy. This modularity means you can easily customize your furniture and office layout as your company evolves instead of having to start from scratch each time you hire a new staff member.
A great example of modular furniture is multi-user cubicles. When setting up, you can begin with a simple 4-person workstation. Then, if you hire four more staff members, you can purchase another 4-person workstation and attach it to your original cubicle setup to create an 8-person layout. By taking advantage of a furniture’s modular qualities in this way, you can save money in the short term while ensuring your office remains functional and is able to adapt to your organization’s growth.